Mantic Forces of the Abyss

February will see a brand new army from Mantic, the Forces of the Abyss

In the north-east of Mantica lies the Abyss; a vast rent in the ground, to which evil beings flock like moths to a flame. This chasm is a wound in the skin of the world, a prison for the most vile beings ever to walk the world of Mantica. Banished there at the end of the God War, twenty-seven wicked dieties plot the downfall of civilisation, led by the most devious of their number, Oskan the 
Father of Lies.


The figures are definitely in the Demonic Mould!  I can see these working as 'mix in' with Khorne.  You can find out more at Mantic.

Element Games - Wargaming Webstore

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