Moonraker Miniatures is a relatively new company, spun out by the owner of EM4 Minaitures. My only previous dealing with EM4 was a number of years ago when I bought a couple of fantasy packs. I ordered at 3pm and had the figures the next morning. Incredible.
Moonraker do a really nice line of miniatures, with their Future Skirmish and Space Lords lines being of particular interest.
Some of the Space Lords figures really channel that old Rogue Trader, space pirates kind of vibe. There is also a line of 'Not' Terminators.
I particularly like the Future Skirmish range, they look excellent. The troopers would fit from near future right through to proxy Astra Militarum. The Savages and Scavengers, Rebels and Bikers are all suitable for Post-Apocalyptic, Mad Max or Sci-fi gaming.
I am particularly taken with "0081 Corporate Fugitive. Handgun. Suit. Briefcase". Which is actually modelled on the 'Grey Man of Politics", former British Prime Minister John Major carrying a red 'Budget' case. Priceless.

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