There is just too much choice in the world of Sci-fi and Fantasy wargaming and collecting these days. Too much to see and do! Anvil Industry produce excellent figures as part of their range. To complement these they have now released free rules for Afterlife which you can download now.

"AFTERLIFE tells the story of a near-future Earth torn apart by civil war after the collapse of the Unity Council, a global governing body created almost two hundred years previously to lead humanity toward a bright and peaceful future.
After decades of increasing oppression and brutality by wealthy and amoral governing corporations, the Councils authority has finally collapsed under the evidence of its many crimes against its own people.
Now the planet burns as sprawling Hyper-Cities built for a world of prosperity become lethal war zones. Dozens of corporations, emergent governments, resistance movements and criminal elements engage in an escalating conflict for power, wealth or simply survival.
With the hyper-cities in a state of lockdown under martial law, the Unity Council is under siege, engaged in high-intensity conflicts across dozens of warzones to restore Unity control. Each day more territories and corporations slip away to forge their own destiny in the chaos left by the Cataclysm."
Looks very interesting. There are a number of smaller players currently trying to take a piece of the 40K pie and it will be fascinating to see which take hold.
Do you have any of these figures?

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